About the Business


About the Business of Storytelling

Storytelling is a business. Storytelling is an art form.  Storytelling is an experience and can be a means to a desired end.  Storytelling serves to bring answers to questions; it is a bridge to understanding.

The art and practice of storytelling often requires extensive education and training, as well as ongoing professional development. It requires business savvy and the ability to market, network, research, and invest.  A storyteller is an entrepreneur with a fundamental passion for the art and a drive to tout its many, many merits in myriad ways. 

General Info About Programs and Workshops

For family and very young audiences, programs generally include a variety of genres and song to allow physical and vocal interaction through call and response, sing-along, and shared telling.

Programs for high school through adult may offer literary tales or specially themed programs.

Fun and informative workshops are available related to applications and benefits of storytelling for specific purposes, i.e. education and language development for early learning or speakers of other languages, storytelling for business, health and well-being, social justice, community.

Consider a regularly scheduled program, a residency, that supports your goals for your community.

Consider a Literacy Night.  

I am happy to plan one with all of the fixings, from boosting turnout to engaging staff and intended participants in targeted, fun, and family friendly excursions into creativity and hands-on extensions to support literacy.

Guest Artist Speaker

The value and application of story  and storytelling from perspective to function integral to every facet of life and for every age.  Contact me to speak and tell at your educational or social forum.  What I have to say is ultimately about you.


Prices reflect value. Each program requires hours of  concerted effort and know-how to select and prepare stories and/or songs.  Additionally, there are business overhead expenses.  These include office space and equipment, internet, phone, website, research materials, travel expenses, insurance, memberships, and a host of other items.

Note: The US Mileage Rate for businesses have been raised to $.58/mile and may be reflected in your invoice.

Where storytelling programs are generally consistent in price, workshops, residencies, and other customized events require detailed information to assess fees.

For planning, consider that:

Standard local storytelling performance, typically ranging from 35 to 45 minutes and may be ideally compensated at $595.

Multiple performances may be prorated.

Due to variations in types of programs, venues, audiences,, and other variables, there is flexibility in determining compensation and/or stipends.

Standard local workshop/residency, up to 4 hours for adults, $325.

Each standard rate does not include customized planning and execution or additional fees which might be incurred for planning and materials.  Instead, the standard is offered for your use in planning and negotiation of terms.  Everything is flexible and solvable.

Collaborative grant and creative funding efforts and ideas will be considered and supported.  Success is not measured in monetary compensation but in joy.

Sometimes, areas for movement and activities that reinforce concepts and skills are required.

Please contact me to ensure that we've got all the bases covered to provide the best experience for you and your participants, guests, and colleagues.

Venue Preparation

When planning a storytelling event, it is important to know the audience and to prepare in advance for special needs.  A sound system that is readily available and that meets the needs of the audience is always best. For large assemblies, theatre-style seating works best.  For smaller groups, a horse-shoe arrangement allows for a conversational tone and good visual cues.  And for workshops, tables arranged so that everyone can comfortably view the focal point, me, is the most practical arrangement.

Open to the Public Events

Contracted Open to the Public events are often advertised and shared through social media.  

I am delighted to provide flyers and suggestions to promote all events.

Sponsorship & Grants

Sponsor a storytelling program or workshop. Your dollar contributions are tax deductible.

If you would like to sponsor a program for a community organization, i.e. school, library, residential facility, etc., please contact me.  

If you would like to expand the outreach of storytelling's dynamic impact on educational and community goals through programs, please contact me.


Payment Information

Please note that payments and donations may be made in several ways based on specific arrangement: 


Programs are crafted to make a meaningful and memorable impact on the audience.